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in AWS CodeCommit by

Can you describe the branching and merging strategies in AWS CodeCommit for multiple environments like development, staging, and production?

1 Answer

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In AWS CodeCommit, branching and merging strategies are essential for managing code in multiple environments like development, staging, and production. A common approach is the GitFlow workflow.

1. Create a “master” branch representing stable production code.

2. Develop new features or bug fixes in separate “feature” branches, branched off from “develop.”

3. Merge feature branches into “develop” upon completion and testing.

4. For releases, create a “release” branch from “develop,” perform final tests, and merge it into “master” and “develop.”

5. Use “hotfix” branches for urgent fixes on “master,” then merge them back to “master” and “develop.”

Environment-specific configurations can be managed using environment variables, config files, or parameter stores.
