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What are some of the key differences between the Aptana Studio and Sublime Text editors when working on web development projects?

1 Answer

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Aptana Studio and Sublime Text are both popular text editors for web development, but they have key differences:

1. Aptana is an open-source IDE specifically designed for web development, while Sublime Text is a general-purpose text editor with support for multiple languages.

2. Aptana provides built-in support for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, and Python, whereas Sublime Text requires plugins for extended language support.

3. Aptana offers integrated debugging tools for JavaScript and Ruby, while Sublime Text relies on external tools or plugins for debugging.

4. Aptana has Git integration out-of-the-box, while Sublime Text needs third-party packages like GitGutter or SublimeGit.

5. Aptana’s interface is based on Eclipse, making it more complex and feature-rich compared to Sublime Text’s minimalist design.

6. Sublime Text is known for its speed and performance, while Aptana can be slower due to its extensive features.
