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What is the Docker container life cycle?

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The Docker container life cycle involves the following processes:

  • The primary purpose of Docker registries is to download Docker images. It may be a public Docker image or one of the many private Docker images that are downloadable. Anyone can pull a Docker image on their own server by executing the docker pull command .
  • Users may use the docker create command to build a runtime instance called container after pulling the Docker Image. The newly formed container is now in a state called created. This indicates that the container has been produced but is not yet operational.
  • Once the users create a container, they can start it by running the docker start command on it. The container will now be active on the host machine and will be in the started state.
  • Rather than using the start or create commands, you can use the docker run instruction on the images to launch the container and bring it to the running state.

You have three choices from this stage. The first is the state of being paused. You may use the docker pause command to pause all processes running within the docker container and then use the unpause command to restart them in the same state as before.

Also, you may use the docker stop command to stop the container completely, which will bring it to a halt. As a result, it enters into the stopped state. You may use the docker start instruction to restart the container from scratch.

The final state is the dead state, which occurs when a container ceases to run and gets terminated despite the daemon's best efforts due to some form of malfunction, such as a busy resource or system.
