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Where do you use DECODE and CASE Statements?

1 Answer

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Both these statements Decode and Case will work similar to the if-then-else statement and also they are the alternatives for each of them. These functions are used in Oracle for data value transformation.


Decode function

Select OrderNum,

DECODE (Status,’O’, ‘Ordered’,’P’, ‘Packed,’ S’,’ Shipped’, ’A’,’Arrived’)

FROM Orders;

Case function

Select OrderNum

, Case(When Status=’O’ then ‘Ordered’

When Status =’P’ then Packed

When Status=’ S’ then ’Shipped’

else ’Arrived’) end

FROM Orders;

Both these commands will display Order Numbers with their respective Statuses like this,

Status O= Ordered

Status P= Packed

Status S= Shipped

Status A= Arrived