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How do you configure Zsh to load specific shell options and plugins at start-up?

1 Answer

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To configure Zsh to load specific shell options and plugins at startup, you need to edit the .zshrc file located in your home directory. This file is read by Zsh every time a new session starts. To set shell options, use the ‘setopt’ command followed by the option name. For example, ‘setopt autocd’ enables automatic directory changing.

For loading plugins, first ensure they are installed. Then, add them to the plugin array in the .zshrc file. The syntax is ‘plugins=(plugin1 plugin2)’. For instance, ‘plugins=(git docker)’ loads git and docker plugins.

Remember to save changes and restart the terminal for configurations to take effect. If there’s an error, Zsh will display it during startup, allowing you to troubleshoot.

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