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Describe a situation in which you migrated an application’s data from another storage system to Azure Table Storage. What were the challenges, and what steps did you take to ensure a successful transition?

1 Answer

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In a recent project, we migrated an application’s data from a relational database (SQL Server) to Azure Table Storage. The primary challenge was adapting the existing data model and queries to fit within Azure Table Storage’s schema-less design.

To ensure a successful transition, we took the following steps:

1. Analyzed the current data model and identified entities that could be mapped to table storage partitions and rows.
2. Designed a partition key strategy to optimize query performance while maintaining scalability.
3. Implemented a data migration tool to transfer existing data into the new Azure Table Storage structure.
4. Updated the application code to use Azure Table Storage SDK for data access instead of SQL queries.
5. Performed extensive testing to validate data consistency and integrity after migration.
6. Monitored application performance and made necessary adjustments to fine-tune the partition key strategy.
7. Gradually rolled out the changes to production, ensuring minimal downtime and impact on users.
