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Describe the process of migrating data from a traditional SQL database to Azure Table Storage?

1 Answer

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To migrate data from a traditional SQL database to Azure Table Storage, follow these steps:

1. Analyze the existing SQL schema and identify entities that can be mapped to table storage. Consider partitioning strategies for optimal performance.

2. Create an Azure Storage account and tables corresponding to the identified entities.

3. Export data from the SQL database into a suitable format like CSV or JSON.

4. Develop a script or use tools like Azure Data Factory or AzCopy to import the exported data into Azure Table Storage. Map columns in the source data to properties in the target table entities.

5. Validate the migrated data by comparing record counts and spot-checking specific records.

6. Update application code to use Azure Table Storage SDK instead of SQL queries for data access.

7. Test the updated application thoroughly to ensure correct functionality with the new data store.
