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in Android Library by
How do you ensure a consistent user experience across different versions of Android, especially when implementing new features or APIs?

1 Answer

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To ensure a consistent user experience across different Android versions, follow these steps:

1. Use Support Libraries: Utilize AndroidX libraries to provide backward compatibility for new features and APIs on older devices.

2. Target Multiple SDKs: Set the targetSdkVersion to the latest version while maintaining minSdkVersion at a lower level, ensuring support for older devices.

3. Test on Emulators: Use Android Studio’s emulator to test your app on various device configurations and API levels.

4. Handle Deprecated APIs: Check for deprecated APIs and replace them with updated alternatives or create custom solutions if necessary.

5. Conditional Code Execution: Implement runtime checks using Build.VERSION.SDK_INT to execute code based on the device’s API level.

6. Responsive Design: Employ responsive design principles to adapt UI elements according to screen size and resolution.
