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For Monitoring which workflows are being used in github?

1 Answer

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You can use the GitHub REST API to monitor how reusable workflows are being used. The prepared_workflow_job audit log action is triggered when a workflow job is started. Included in the data recorded are:

  • repo - the organization/repository where the workflow job is located. For a job that calls another workflow, this is the organization/repository of the caller workflow.

  • @timestamp - the date and time that the job was started, in Unix epoch format.

  • job_name - the name of the job that was run.

  • calling_workflow_refs - an array of file paths for all the caller workflows involved in this workflow job. The items in the array are in the reverse order that they were called in. For example, in a chain of workflows A > B > C, when viewing the logs for a job in workflow C, the array would be ["octo-org/octo-repo/.github/workflows/B.yml", "octo-org/octo-repo/.github/workflows/A.yml"].

  • calling_workflow_shas - an array of SHAs for all the caller workflows involved in this workflow job. The array contains the same number of items, in the same order, as the calling_workflow_refs array.

  • job_workflow_ref - the workflow file that was used, in the form {owner}/{repo}/{path}/{filename}@{ref}. For a job that calls another workflow, this identifies the called workflow.
