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What are the types of design patterns in Java?

1 Answer

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There are three types of design patterns. They are:

  1. Creational Patterns: These patterns provide freedom of choice between creating objects by hiding the logic. The objects constructed are decoupled from the implemented system. Some of the examples of creational patterns are - Factory design pattern, Builder design, Prototype design, Singleton design, Abstract Factory design.
  2. Structural Patterns: These patterns help in defining how the structures of classes and objects should be like for defining the composition between classes, interfaces and objects. Some of the examples of structural patterns are - Adaptor design, Facade design, Decorator design, proxy design etc.
  3. Behavioural Patterns: These patterns help to define how the objects should communicate and interact with one another. Some of the examples of behavioural patterns are - Command pattern, Iterator pattern, Observer pattern, Strategy pattern, etc.

The following diagram represents the summary of the types of design patterns.
