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Given stride S and kernel sizes for each layer of a (1-dimensional) CNN, create a function to compute the receptive field of a particular node in the network. This is just finding how many input nodes actually connect through to a neuron in a CNN. 

1 Answer

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The receptive field are defined portion of space within an inputs that will be used during an operation to generate an output.

Considering a CNN filter of size k, the receptive field of a peculiar layer is only the number of input used by the filter, in this case k, multiplied by the dimension of the input that is not being reduced by the convolutionnal filter a. This results in a receptive field of k*a.

More visually, in the case of an image of size 32x32x3, with a CNN with a filter size of 5x5, the corresponding recpetive field will be the the filter size, 5 multiplied by the depth of the input volume (the RGB colors) which is the color dimensio. This thus gives us a recpetive field of dimension 5x5x3.

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