in Mantis by
Explain How To Report A Bug In Mantis Bug Tracker?

1 Answer

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1) To report a new issue, click on 'Report Issue' in the main menu bar (shown below.)

2) A form will open titled “Enter Report Details”. You must fill in every field that it contains. The following steps describe how to do this

3) First, you must always select 'All projects – general' in the *Category drop-down menu.

4) Select the reproducibility from the second dropdown. Keep in mind that as much as you can, you should find the bug’s circumstances before logging it. Ideally, you should be able to reproduce it 100% of the time. But sometimes it is impossible. In these rare cases, you can use 'sometimes' if the bug occurs sporadically or 'random' if you really are unable to reproduce it.

5) Select a severity for the bug:

minor if the bug is important but not detrimental to the proper functioning of a feature

major if the bug is important and compromises the user’s experience

critical if the bug completely prevents the user from continuing what he was doing, or if the bug crashes or freezes the site/app/game

6) Select a priority for the bug:

'low' if the bug has very little impact on the user’s experience

'normal' if it needs fixing soon but it is not urgent

'high' if it needs fixing relatively soon

'urgent' if it is a top priority and should be quickly

'immediate' if it needs fixing right now

7) Fill in the 3 forms under “Select Profile”. These are:

Select a Platform: the device you used for your tests

Select an Operating System: the operating system of the device

Select an OS version: the version number of the operating system

8) Leave the 'Assign to' drop-down blank unless told otherwise.

9) In the summary field, enter a title for your bug. The title should begin with the name of the section of the app/website/game in which the bug happens between brackets [], followed by a brief description of the bug.

10) Update the description field the detailed info abt the bug.

11) The 'Steps to reproduce' section should contain the steps that a developer or other tester unfamiliar with the project should follow to reproduce the issue

12) The 'Additional information' field must be used to inform the developer of what device/browser and on what device/browser version the bug was found

13) Use 'Upload File' to upload your screenshot or video

14) View status should be left public and the ‘report stay’ checkbox should be left unchecked unless you have another issue to enter immediately.
