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What are the Functions in Golang

1 Answer

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A function represents a block of statements which performs a specific task. A function declaration tells us function name, return type and input parameters. Function definition represents the code contained in the function. The syntax for declaring the function is

func function_name(parameter_1 type, parameter_n type) return_type {

The parameters and return types are optional. Also, you can return multiple values from a function.

Now in this Golang tutorial, let’s run the following Golang example. Here function named calc will accept 2 numbers and performs the addition and subtraction and returns both values.

package main
import "fmt"

//calc is the function name which accepts two integers num1 and num2
//(int, int) says that the function returns two values, both of integer type.
func calc(num1 int, num2 int)(int, int) {  
    sum := num1 + num2
    diff := num1 - num2
    return sum, diff

func main() {  
    x,y := 15,10

    //calls the function calc with x and y an d gets sum, diff as output
    sum, diff := calc(x,y) 

The output will be

Sum 25
Diff 5