Switch is another conditional statement. Switch statements evaluate an expression and the result is compared against a set of available values(cases). Once a match is found the statements associated with that match(case) is executed. If no match is found nothing will be executed. You can also add a default case to switch which will be executed if no other matches are found. The syntax of the switch is
switch expression {
case value_1:
case value_2:
case value_n:
Here the value of the expression is compared against the values in each case. Once a match is found the statements associated with that case is executed. If no match is found the statements under the default section is executed.
Execute the below program
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
a,b := 2,1
switch a+b {
case 1:
fmt.Println("Sum is 1")
case 2:
fmt.Println("Sum is 2")
case 3:
fmt.Println("Sum is 3")
fmt.Println("Printing default")
You will get the output as
Sum is 3