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in Artificial Intelligence by
Best-First search is a type of informed search, which uses ________________ to choose the best next node for expansion.

(a) Evaluation function returning lowest evaluation

(b) Evaluation function returning highest evaluation

(c) Evaluation function returning lowest & highest evaluation

(d) None of them is applicable

I had been asked this question in semester exam.

This interesting question is from Informed Search and Exploration topic in chapter Problem Solving of Artificial Intelligence

Select the correct answer from above options

Interview Questions and Answers, Database Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers and Experience

1 Answer

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The correct option is (a) Evaluation function returning lowest evaluation

Best explanation: Best-first search is an instance of the general TREE-SEARCH or GRAPH-SEARCH algorithm in which a node is selected for expansion based on an evaluation function, f (n). Traditionally, the node with the lowest evaluation is selected for expansion, because the evaluation measures distance to the goal.