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How Can I Run Android Tests Without Appium?

1 Answer

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For older versions of Android, Appium might not be supported. For instance, Appium is only supported for Android versions 4.4 or later for Mobile Web Application tests, Android versions 2.3, 4.0 and later for Mobile Native Application and Mobile Hybrid Application tests.

For those versions in which Appium is not supported, you can request an emulator driven by Webdriver and Selendroid. All you need to do is, use the Platforms Configurator and select Selenium for the API instead of Appium. In the Sauce Labs test, you will notice that the top of the emulator says “AndroidDriver Webview App”. In addition, you will notice that you will get a “Selenium Log” tab which has the output of the Selendroid driver.

With an emulator driven by Webdriver & Selendroid, you will be able to test Mobile Web Application only. You should be able to select any Android emulator version from 4.0 to the latest version and any Android emulator skin (e.g “deviceName”: “Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 Emulator”).
