The domain is the web address of a website, a set of words that netizens put in the browser to get to the desired site. For example:
Knowing how to choose a domain is very important, almost as much as your own brand. It needs to be easy to remember and written, and be available at .com or at least at some of the most common extensions.
If you have a brand but do not yet have a website, it is worthwhile to register your domain anyway. First, to ensure exclusivity, since third parties could register this domain before you. Second, because your domain can be used in company emails (ex:, giving more credibility to your business.
How to register a domain?
Registering a domain is relatively simple: just enter the (or any hosting company), check the availability of the domain you want, fill in some data and buy it for a cost starts at $ 30 a year.
There are a variety of extensions (Top Level Domains or TLDs), in addition to the traditional “.com “. These extensions are the terminations found to the right of the point in the web address (.net or .io, for example). It is possible to acquire domains for individuals and legal entities, with generic endings (e.g., .com and .net), for universities (.edu), for professionals (.adv), NGOs (.org) and so on.
It is always better to register a domain with only “.com”, which is widely used in the world and refers to any business entity. The domain may also have an extension referring to the country of origin of the domain. In India, for example, it is “.in”, in the UK, “”, and so on.
However, attention: It is very important to think about the best domain option for your business, since the extension, in addition to defining the type of business, will also help people to memorize the website address. Investing in “.com” is highly recommended as it is the most popular extensions around the world. Registering more than one extension can also be a way to protect your name from third-party use.