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Explain Security, Identity and Compliance in AWS

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1) AWS offers data center and network architecture built to meet the requirements of the most security-sensitive organizations

2) The AWS cloud provides with a platform to scale and innovate, while still maintaining a secure environment.

3) Pay only for the services been used.

Security, Identity, and Compliance Products offered by AWS are below

1) Amazon Inspector - automated security assessment service, that aids to enhance the compliance and security of applications deployed on AWS.

2) AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) - controls users access to AWS services. Allows to create, manage users and groups, and deny or grant access.

3) AWS Artifact - the portal offers on-demand access to AWS compliance and security documents (audit artifacts).

4) Amazon Cloud Directory - set up flexible cloud-native directories to organize hierarchies of data along numerous dimensions.

5) AWS Certificate Manager - seemlessly manage, provision, and deploy Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)/Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificates.

6) AWS CloudHSM - fulfill regulatory, contractual and corporate compliance requirements for data security by utilizing dedicated Hardware Security Module (HSM). AWS Directory Service - AWS Interview Questions and Answers allows AWS resources and directory-aware workloads to utilize managed Active Directory in AWS Cloud for Microsoft Active Directory.

7) AWS WAF - web application firewall that aids in protecting web applications from web threats that could eat up excessive resources, or compromise security, hinder application availability.

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