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What are the advantages/main features of Git?

1 Answer

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Enlisted below are the various features of Git.

(i) Free & Open Source:

Git is issued under GPL’s (General Public License) open source license. You need not pay anything to use Git.

Free & Open Source

It is absolutely free. As it is open-source, you can modify the source code according to your needs.

(ii) Speed:

As you are not required to connect to any network for executing all the actions, it performs all the tasks quickly. Obtaining version history from a locally stored repository can be one hundred times speedier than obtaining it from the remote server.


Git is written in C, which is the underlying programming language that evades runtime overheads linked with other high-level languages.

(iii) Scalable:

Git is highly scalable. So, if the number of collaborators increases in the coming time, then Git can easily accommodate this change.


Despite the fact that Git represents an entire repository, the data kept on the client’s side is very small as Git compacts the entire vast data through a lossless compression technique.

(iv) Reliable:

As every collaborator has its own local repository, on the instances of a system crash, the lost data can be recuperated from any of the local repositories. At all times, you will have a backup of all your files.


(v) Secure:

Git utilizes the SHA1 (Secure Hash Function) to name and identify objects inside its repository. Each artifact and commit are check-summed and recovered through its checksum during checkout.


The Git history is saved in a manner in which the ID of a specific version (a commit in terms of Git) relies on the total development history running up to that commit. Once a file version is pushed to Git, then there is no way to change it without being noticed.

(vi) Economical:

In the case of a centralized version control system, the central server must be strong enough to attend requests of the entire team. This is not a problem for smaller teams, however as the team expands, the hardware limitations of the server can be an impediment for performance.


In the case of distributed version control systems like Git, the team members don’t require interaction with the server expect when they are required to push or pull changes. All the heavy lifting occurs at the client end, thus the server hardware can be kept quite simple certainly.

(vii) Supports Non-linear Development:

Git provides rapid branching & merging and contains particular tools for envisaging and traversing a non-linear development history. A basic notion in Git is that a change will be merged more frequently than it is written as it is sent across different reviewers.

Supports non-linear Development

Git Branches are extremely lightweight. A branch in Git refers only to a single commit. The complete branch structure can be created, with the help of parent commits.

(viii) Easy Branching:

Branch management through Git is very straightforward and easy. It requires just a few jiffies to create, delete, and merge branches. Feature branches give an insulated environment to each change to your codebase.

Easy Branching

When a developer requires to begin working on something, irrespective of the size of work, they create a new branch. This makes sure that the master branch constantly holds a production-quality code.

(ix) Distributed Development:

Git provides every developer a local copy of the whole development history, plus the changes get cloned from one such repository to another. These changes are introduced as added development branches and can be merged in the same manner as a locally developed branch.

Distributed development

(x) Compatibility along with present Systems or Protocol:

Repositories can be published through HTTP, FTP or a Git protocol on top of either a plain socket or ssh.

Compatibility along with present systems or protocol