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in JavaScript by
What's the output?
const box = { x: 10, y: 20 };


const shape = box;
shape.x = 100;

  • A: { x: 100, y: 20 }
  • B: { x: 10, y: 20 }
  • C: { x: 100 }
  • D: ReferenceError

1 Answer

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Correct answer is : - 

Answer: B

Object.freeze makes it impossible to add, remove, or modify properties of an object (unless the property's value is another object).

When we create the variable shape and set it equal to the frozen object boxshape also refers to a frozen object. You can check whether an object is frozen by using Object.isFrozen. In this case, Object.isFrozen(shape) would return true, since the variable shape has a reference to a frozen object.

Since shape is frozen, and since the value of x is not an object, we cannot modify the property xx is still equal to 10, and { x: 10, y: 20 } gets logged.

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