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in AWS CodeCommit by
How does AWS CodeCommit work with Git LFS, and what benefits does it offer for developers working with large files?

1 Answer

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AWS CodeCommit supports Git Large File Storage (LFS), an extension that optimizes handling of large files in a Git repository. It replaces large files with text pointers, storing actual files separately. This reduces repository size and improves performance.

Benefits for developers:

1. Efficient storage: LFS stores large files outside the main repository, reducing its size.

2. Faster cloning: Smaller repositories enable quicker clone operations.

3. Selective fetching: Developers can fetch only required large files, saving bandwidth and time.

4. Version tracking: LFS tracks changes to large files, maintaining version history.

5. Collaboration: Team members can work on large files without impacting overall repository performance.

To use Git LFS with CodeCommit, install the LFS client, configure it for your repository, and start tracking large files. CodeCommit automatically handles LFS objects during push and pull operations.
