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in Statistics and Probability Basics by
What is the meaning of selection bias and how to avoid it?

1 Answer

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Sampling bias is the phenomenon that occurs when a research study design fails to collect a representative sample of a target population. This typically occurs because the selection criteria for respondents failed to capture a wide enough sampling frame to represent all viewpoints.

The cause of sampling bias almost always owes to one of two conditions.

Poor methodology: In most cases, non-representative samples pop up when researchers set improper parameters for survey research. The most accurate and repeatable sampling method is simple random sampling where a large number of respondents are chosen at random. When researchers stray from random sampling (also called probability sampling), they risk injecting their own selection bias into recruiting respondents.

Poor execution: Sometimes data researchers craft scientifically sound sampling methods, but their work is undermined when field workers cut corners. By reverting to convenience sampling (where the only people studied are those who are easy to reach) or giving up on reaching non-responders, a field worker can jeopardize the careful methodology set up by data scientists.

The best way to avoid sampling bias is to stick to probability-based sampling methods. These include simple random sampling, systematic sampling, cluster sampling, and stratified sampling. In these methodologies, respondents are only chosen through processes of random selection—even if they are sometimes sorted into demographic groups along the way. Alt_text

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