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Can you explain each digit in the Oracle database version?

1 Answer

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This first digit indicates the major database version and it describes the nature of release. Oracle releases a new release every four years on average.

For example:  Oracle 9i (internet), Oracle 10g (grid), Oracle 11g (grid), Oracle 12c (cloud).

The second digit represents the software’s maintenance release number. Oracle releases the major update as maintenance release 1 and then follows up with a second maintenance release later in the software’s lifecycle. With maintenance releases, new features are introduced to database software.

For example: Oracle 12c release 1; Oracle 12c release 2.

Fusion Middleware Number is the third digit. This will be 0 for database software.

This fourth digit is called Component-Specific Release Number And a component release level is identified by the fourth digit. Depending on component patch sets or temporary releases, different components can have different numbers in this role.


A platform- specific release is identified by the fifth digit. This is usually a patch kit. this digit will be the same across all affected platforms when different platforms need the same patch package.

Example: GA release (initial release-no patch):
