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How are the GDG versions named?

1 Answer

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For identifying a specific generation of a GDG, an absolute generation and version number are used. GnnnnVmm is the format of the generation and version numbers.




XYZ.ABC.PRS.GDG represents GDG Base.

Gnnnn represents the Generation number (Value range: 0000 – 9999).

Vmm represents Version number (Value range: 00 – 99).


If the GDG base name is SCALER.DATA.SAMPLE.GDG, then the datasets should be named as follows:


SCALER.DATA.SAMPLE.GDG.G0002V01, and so on.


SCALER.DATA.SAMPLE.GDG.G0001V00 is the generation data set 1, version 0 in the generation data group SCALER.DATAI.SAMPLE.GDG.

SCALER.DATA.SAMPLE.GDG.G0002V01 is the generation data set 2, version 1, in the generation data group SCALER.DATA.SAMPLE.GDG.

The latest/current version of the GDG is SCALER.DATI.SAMPLE.GDG(0). The current generation of GDG is called generation(0), previous versions are called SCALER.DATA.SAMPLE.GDG(-1), and so on. SCALER.DATA.SAMPLE.GDG(+1) is the next generation to be created after the current generation.
