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Is it possible to have hadoop job output in multiple directories? If yes, how?

1 Answer

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Is it possible to have hadoop job output in multiple directories? If yes, how?

Yes, it is possible by using following approaches:

a. Using MultipleOutputs class-

This class simplifies writing output data to multiple outputs.


The API provides two overloaded write methods to achieve this

[php]MultipleOutput.write(‘OutputFileName”, new Text (key), new Text(value));[/php]

Then, we need to use overloaded write method, with an extra parameter for the base output path. This will allow to write the output file to separate output directories.

[php]MultipleOutput.write(‘OutputFileName”, new Text (key), new Text(value), baseOutputPath);[/php]

Then, we need to change your baseOutputpath in each of our implementation.

b. Rename/Move the file in driver class-

This is the easiest hack to write output to multiple directories. So, we can use MultipleOutputs and write all the output files to a single directory. But the file names need to be different for each category.

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