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PouchDB.replicate(source, target, [options])

Replicate data from source to target. Both the source and target can be a PouchDB instance or a string representing a CouchDB database URL or the name of a local PouchDB database. If options.live is true, then this will track future changes and also replicate them automatically. This method returns an object with the method cancel(), which you call if you want to cancel live replication.

  • options.live: If true, starts subscribing to future changes in the source database and continue replicating them.
  • options.retry: If true will attempt to retry replications in the case of failure (due to being offline), using a backoff algorithm that retries at longer and longer intervals until a connection is re-established, with a maximum delay of 10 minutes. Only applicable if options.live is also true.

Filtering Options:

  • options.filter: Reference a filter function from a design document to selectively get updates. To use a view function, pass _view here and provide a reference to the view function in options.view. See filtered replication for details.
  • options.doc_ids: Only show changes for docs with these ids (array of strings).
  • options.query_params: Object containing properties that are passed to the filter function, e.g. {"foo":"bar"}, where "bar" will be available in the filter function as params.query.foo. To access the params, define your filter function like function (doc, params) {/* ... */}.
  • options.view: Specify a view function (e.g. 'design_doc_name/view_name' or 'view_name' as shorthand for 'view_name/view_name') to act as a filter. Documents counted as “passed” for a view filter if a map function emits at least one record for them. Note: options.filter must be set to '_view' for this option to work.
  • options.selector: Filter using a query/pouchdb-find selectorNote: Selectors are not supported in CouchDB 1.x.

Advanced Options:

  • options.since: Replicate changes after the given sequence number.
  • options.heartbeat: Configure the heartbeat supported by CouchDB which keeps the change connection alive.
  • options.timeout: Request timeout (in milliseconds).
  • options.batch_size: Number of change feed items to process at a time. Defaults to 100. This affects the number of docs and attachments held in memory and the number sent at a time to the target server. You may need to adjust downward if targeting devices with low amounts of memory (e.g. phones) or if the documents and/or attachments are large in size or if there are many conflicted revisions. If your documents are small in size, then increasing this number will probably speed replication up.
  • options.batches_limit: Number of batches to process at a time. Defaults to 10. This (along wtih batch_size) controls how many docs are kept in memory at a time, so the maximum docs in memory at once would equal batch_size × batches_limit.
  • options.back_off_function: backoff function to be used in retry replication. This is a function that takes the current backoff as input (or 0 the first time) and returns a new backoff in milliseconds. You can use this to tweak when and how replication will try to reconnect to a remote database when the user goes offline. Defaults to a function that chooses a random backoff between 0 and 2 seconds and doubles every time it fails to connect. The default delay will never exceed 10 minutes. (See Customizing retry replication below.)
  • options.checkpoint: Can be used if you want to disable checkpoints on the source, target, or both. Setting this option to false will prevent writing checkpoints on both source and target. Setting it to source will only write checkpoints on the source. Setting it to target will only write checkpoints on the target.

Example Usage:

var rep = PouchDB.replicate('mydb', 'http://localhost:5984/mydb', {
  live: true,
  retry: true
}).on('change', function (info) {
  // handle change
}).on('paused', function (err) {
  // replication paused (e.g. replication up to date, user went offline)
}).on('active', function () {
  // replicate resumed (e.g. new changes replicating, user went back online)
}).on('denied', function (err) {
  // a document failed to replicate (e.g. due to permissions)
}).on('complete', function (info) {
  // handle complete
}).on('error', function (err) {
  // handle error
})rep.cancel(); // whenever you want to cancel

There are also shorthands for replication given existing PouchDB objects. These behave the same as PouchDB.replicate():

db.replicate.to(remoteDB, [options]);
// or
db.replicate.from(remoteDB, [options]);

The remoteDB can either be a string or a PouchDB object. If you have a fetch override on a remote database, you will want to use PouchDB objects instead of strings, so that the options are used.

Replication events

  • change (info) - This event fires when the replication has written a new document. info will contain details about the change. info.docs will contain the docs involved in that change. See below for an example response.
  • complete (info) - This event fires when replication is completed or cancelled. In a live replication, only cancelling the replication should trigger this event. info will contain details about the replication. See below for an example response.
  • paused (err) - This event fires when the replication is paused, either because a live replication is waiting for changes, or replication has temporarily failed, with err, and is attempting to resume.
  • active - This event fires when the replication starts actively processing changes; e.g. when it recovers from an error or new changes are available.
  • denied (err) - This event fires if a document failed to replicate due to validation or authorization errors.
  • error (err) - This event is fired when the replication is stopped due to an unrecoverable failure. If retry is false, this will also fire when the user goes offline or another network error occurs (so you can handle retries yourself, if you want).


As with changes(), you can also omit live, in which case you can use replicate() in the callback/promise style and it will be treated as a single-shot operation.

.       Async functions

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