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Compare Flux vs MVC

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Conventional MVC designs have functioned admirably to separate the worries of data (Model), UI (View) and logic (Controller) — however many web engineers have found impediments with that approach as applications develop in measure. In particular, MVC architectures as often as possible experience 2 primary issues:

Ineffectively defined data flow: The cascading updates which happen crosswise over perspectives frequently prompt a tangled web of events which is hard to debug. 

Lack of data integrity: Model data can be changed from anyplace, yielding erratic results over the UI.

With the Flux pattern complex, UIs never again experience the ill effects of cascading updates; any given React component will have the capacity to recreate its state in light of the information gave by the store. The flux pattern likewise upholds data integrity by limiting direct access to the shared data.

While a technical interview, it is awesome to talk about the contrasts between the Flux and MVC configuration designs inside the setting of a particular illustration: 

For instance, imagine we have a "master/detail" UI in which the client can choose a record from a rundown (master view) and alter it utilizing an auto-populated form (detail view). 

With a MVC architecture, the data contained inside the Model is shared between both the master and detail views. Each of these perspectives may have its own particular Controller assigning updates between the Model and the View. Anytime the information contained inside the Model may be updated — and it's hard to know where precisely that change happened. Did it occur in one of the Views sharing that Model, or in one of the Controllers? Since the Model's information can be transformed by any performing artist in the application, the danger of information contamination in complex UIs is more prominent than we'd like. 

With a Flux architecture, the Store data is correspondingly shared between different Views. However this data can't be straightforwardly changed — the greater part of the solicitations to update the data must go through the Action > Dispatcher chain first, eliminating the risk of arbitrary data pollution. At the point when refreshes are made to the data, it's presently significantly less demanding to find the code requesting for those progressions.
