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You are planning on using the Serverless Application Model to deploy a Lambda function.

Below is a normal construct for the template to be used. AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31 Resources: PutFunction: Type: AWS::Serverless::Function Properties: Handler: index.handler Runtime: nodejs6.10 CodeUri: Where would the code base for the CodeUri normally point to?

1 Answer

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Answer - C.

The documentation shows a snippet of the template for the YAML file which is used for the deployment.

Because of what is mentioned in the documentation, all other options are invalid.

For more information on Serverless App deployment, please refer to the below URL-


Lambda function  The following shows the notation you use to describe a Lambda function:  ANSTemplateFormatVersion: '2@10-09-@9" Transform: AWS: :Serverless-2016-10-31  Resources: FunctionName: Type: AWS: :Serverless: :Function Propertie: Handler: index.handler  runtime : $3: //bucketName/codepackage. zip

When deploying a Lambda function using the Serverless Application Model (SAM), the CodeUri property is used to specify the location of the code for the Lambda function. The code must be provided as a zip package.

The possible options for where to store the zip package include:

A. Amazon Glacier - This is a storage service designed for long-term cold data archiving. It is not designed for storing actively used code packages and is not a suitable option for storing code for Lambda functions.

B. Amazon EBS Volumes - This is a storage service for attaching storage volumes to EC2 instances. It is not designed for storing code packages and is not a suitable option for storing code for Lambda functions.

C. Amazon S3 - This is a highly scalable object storage service. It is a commonly used option for storing code packages for Lambda functions. The S3 bucket used for storing code packages must be in the same AWS region as the Lambda function.

D. Amazon Config - This is a service for monitoring and recording configuration changes to AWS resources. It is not designed for storing code packages and is not a suitable option for storing code for Lambda functions.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. The code as a zip package in Amazon S3.
