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You are working on a mobile application that will be using AWS ElastiCache for caching application data to reduce latency & improve throughput.

The management team has asked you to evaluate both in-memory cache supported by AWS ElastiCache engines - Memcached and Redis.

Which of the following features are available only with Memcached which you should consider while developing the application? (Select Two)

1 Answer

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Correct Answer - A, C.

AWS ElastiCache Memcached cache engine supports multithreaded performance using multiple cores & a simple caching model.

Options B & D are incorrect as these features are available with the AWS ElastiCache Redis Cache engine.

For more information on Comparison between Memcached and Redis, refer to the following URLs-

https://aws.amazon.com/elasticache/redis-vs-memcached/ https://d0.awsstatic.com/whitepapers/performance-at-scale-with-amazon-elasticache.pdf

Among the two caching engines supported by AWS ElastiCache, namely Memcached and Redis, some features are unique to Memcached only. The following two features are only available with Memcached:

A. Simple caching model: Memcached provides a simple caching model with a plain key-value pair structure that allows for quick caching of data without any complex data structures or schemas. This makes it a faster and more efficient option for applications that require simple caching needs.

C. Multithreaded performance with utilization of multiple cores: Memcached supports multithreading, which allows it to handle multiple requests concurrently and utilize multiple cores efficiently. This makes it ideal for applications with high read and write workloads that require fast response times and low latency.

On the other hand, Redis offers the following features that are not available with Memcached:

B. Pub/Sub capability support: Redis supports Pub/Sub capability, which allows for real-time messaging between different components of an application. This makes it ideal for building applications that require event-driven architecture or real-time communication.

D. Data replication to multiple AZs/Data persistence: Redis offers data replication and persistence options that allow for backup and recovery in case of failures or disasters. It can replicate data across multiple availability zones (AZs) to ensure high availability and durability.

Therefore, while evaluating the two caching engines, the development team should consider the specific requirements of the application and choose the engine that best meets those requirements. If the application requires simple caching needs with high read/write workloads, Memcached might be the better choice. If the application requires real-time messaging or backup and recovery options, Redis might be the better choice.
