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How does XGBoost differ from random forests?

1 Answer

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XGBoost (Extreme Gradient Boosting) and Random Forests are both powerful ensemble learning techniques, but they employ distinct methodologies.

Key Differences

Boosting vs. Bagging

XGBoost: Utilizes a boosting approach that iteratively builds trees to address the shortcomings of preceding ones.

Random Forests: Operates on a bagging strategy that constructs trees independently, and the ensemble averages their predictions.

Tree Building Mechanism

XGBoost: Employs a learning algorithm that incorporates

Early stopping

Regularization techniques such as

 (LASSO) and

 (ridge) to minimize overfitting.

Computational efficiency via split finding algorithms using approximate tree boosting.

Random Forests: Uses feature randomness and bootstrapping (sampling with replacement) to build multiple trees. Each tree considers a random subset of features at each split.

XGBoost Add-Ons

Bias and Variance Reduction: XGBoost offers better control over bias-variance tradeoff, allowing users to steer the model into a higher bias or variance regime according to their datasets and objectives.

Cross-Validation Integration: The library can embed cross-validation during the model's training process, making it more adaptable to varying dataset characteristics.

Integrated Shrinkage: Unified approach to shrinkage capabilities via "learning rate," which can contribute to model generalization and speed.

Verification Efficiency

XGBoost: Verification occurs on the most recent tree after each iteration, enhancing the process's efficiency.

Random Forests: Inspects all the trees, leading to a relatively slower operation.

Computational Efficiency

XGBoost: Leverages multiple threads and directs core utilization for parameter tuning and constructing decision trees, granting it a computational advantage.

Random Forests: Although computationally robust, its performance can reduce in high-dimensional settings when faced with an extensive list of input features.

Outlier Handling

XGBoost: Can be sensitive to extreme data points or outliers in certain scenarios.

Random Forests: With the ensemble averaging method, Random Forests are frequently more impervious to outliers.

Parallel Processing

XGBoost: Implies a parallel computational structure for tree construction, while in Random Forests, such an arrangement might be constrained to bootstrapping.

Random Forests: Limited parallelism due to the bootstrapping-based strategy for tree construction.