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Which of the below statements is incorrect with regards to the advantages of moving to cloud?

1 Answer

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Answer: A.

Option A is CORRECT.

The statement is incorrect.

The correct statement is, “Trade capital expense for variable expense”.

Option B is INCORRECT.

The statement is correct.

Option C is INCORRECT.

The statement is correct.

Option D is INCORRECT.

The statement is correct.



The correct answer is (D) "Go global in minutes" is incorrect with regards to the advantages of moving to the cloud.

Explanation: Moving to the cloud has several advantages that can benefit businesses of all sizes. Here's a detailed explanation of the three correct statements and why the incorrect statement is incorrect:

A. Trade variable expense for capital expense: One of the biggest advantages of moving to the cloud is that it allows businesses to trade variable expenses (such as paying for hardware upgrades and maintenance) for capital expenses (such as paying for cloud services on a fixed monthly or annual basis). This allows businesses to plan their expenses more effectively and allocate resources more efficiently.

B. Stop spending money running and maintaining data centres: Running and maintaining data centres can be expensive and time-consuming for businesses. By moving to the cloud, businesses can reduce or eliminate the need for on-premises hardware, which can save them money on maintenance and upgrades.

C. Benefit from massive economies of scale: Cloud providers like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) operate at massive scales, serving millions of customers worldwide. By leveraging this scale, businesses can benefit from lower costs, better performance, and greater scalability than they could achieve on their own.

D. Go global in minutes: This statement is incorrect because while cloud providers do offer global infrastructure and services, it still takes time to deploy and configure resources in different regions. It is not a matter of simply pressing a button and being able to operate in any location. Additionally, some countries have regulations and restrictions on data residency and privacy that must be taken into consideration.

In summary, while moving to the cloud can provide many advantages for businesses, it is important to understand the limitations and requirements associated with cloud infrastructure and services.
