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in Ansible by
How can you use the Ansible module “template” to generate a configuration file on a target machine?

a) By using the “src” parameter to specify the template file and the “dest” parameter to specify the destination file

b) By using the “template_file” parameter to specify the template file and the “destination_file” parameter to specify the destination file

c) By using the “config” parameter to specify the template file and the “output” parameter to specify the destination file

d) By using the “source_file” parameter to specify the template file and the “output_file” parameter to specify the destination file

1 Answer

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Answer: a) By using the “src” parameter to specify the template file and the “dest” parameter to specify the destination file

Explanation: The Ansible module “template” can be used to generate a configuration file on a target machine by using the “src” parameter to specify the template file and the “dest” parameter to specify the destination file. The template file can contain placeholders that will be replaced with values from Ansible variables or other sources during the template rendering process.