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What’s the init container and when it can be used?

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An init container is a special type of container in Kubernetes that runs and completes its tasks before the main containers in a Pod start running. Init containers are used to perform setup, initialization, or configuration tasks required by the main application containers before they can start processing requests or performing their primary functions.

Here are some key points about init containers:

  1. **Sequential Execution**: Init containers run one after another, and each init container must successfully complete before the next one starts. This allows for a sequential setup of required resources or configurations.
  2. **Temporary Nature**: Init containers are temporary and are not part of the main application’s ongoing lifecycle. Once their tasks are completed, they terminate, and the main containers start.
  3. **Different Image**: Init containers can use a different container image than the main application containers. This allows for separate tools or configurations to be used for initialization tasks.

Use Cases for Init Containers:

  1. **Data Initialization**: Init containers can be used to fetch or generate initial data required by the main application containers. For example, an init container might fetch static configuration files or set up a database schema before the main application starts.
  2. **Dependency Handling**: When an application has dependencies on external services, an init container can be used to check and ensure that those services are available before the main application attempts to use them.
  3. **Database Schema Migration**: In scenarios where the application requires a specific database schema or migration, an init container can handle database schema setup or migration tasks before the main application connects to the database.
  4. **Certificate or Secret Injection**: Init containers can fetch secrets or SSL certificates from external sources and make them available to the main application containers securely.

Here’s an example of a Pod definition with an init container:


apiVersion: v1

kind: Pod


  name: my-pod



  – name: main-container

    image: my-app-image

    # Main application container specification


  – name: init-container

    image: busybox

    command: [‘sh’, ‘-c’, ‘echo “Performing initialization…” && sleep 10’]

    # Init container specification


In this example, the Pod contains an init container named “init-container” with a simple command to echo a message and sleep for 10 seconds. The main application container is named “main-container” and is specified below the init container. When the Pod starts, the init container will run and complete its task before the main application container starts.

Using init containers can help ensure that the required setup and configuration tasks are completed successfully before the main application starts, improving the reliability and stability of the overall application deployment.
