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Differences Between Java And Groovy?

1 Answer

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Groovy tries to be as natural as possible for Java developers. Here are all the major

differences between Java and Groovy.

-Default imports

In Groovy all these packages and classes are imported by default, i.e. Developers do not

have to use an explicit import statement to use them:











In Groovy, the methods which will be invoked are chosen at runtime. This is called runtime

dispatch or multi-methods. It means that the method will be chosen based on the types of

the arguments at runtime. In Java, this is the opposite: methods are chosen at compile

time, based on the declared types.

-Array initializers

In Groovy, the { … } block is reserved for closures. That means that you cannot create

array literals with this syntax:

int[] arraySyntex = { 6, 3, 1}

You actually have to use:

int[] arraySyntex = [1,2,3]

-ARM blocks

ARM (Automatic Resource Management) block from Java 7 are not supported in Groovy.

Instead, Groovy provides various methods relying on closures, which have the same effect

while being more idiomatic.


As double-quoted string literals are interpreted as GString values, Groovy may fail with

compile error or produce subtly different code if a class with String literal containing a

dollar character is compiled with Groovy and Java compiler.

While typically, Groovy will auto-cast between GString and String if an API declares

the type of a parameter, beware of Java APIs that accept an Object parameter and then

check the actual type.

-String and Character literals

Singly-quoted literals in Groovy are used for String , and double-quoted result

in String or GString , depending whether there is interpolation in the literal.

assert 'c'.getClass()==String

assert "c".getClass()==String

assert "c${1}".getClass() in GString

Groovy will automatically cast a single-character String to char only when assigning to

a variable of type char . When calling methods with arguments of type char we need to

either cast explicitly or make sure the value has been cast in advance