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in HTML by
Describe about the correct usage of the following HTML5 semantic elements: <header>, <article>, <section>, <footer>.

1 Answer

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The <header> element is used to contain introductory and navigational information about a section of the page. This can include the section heading, the author’s name, time and date of publication, table of contents, or other navigational information.

The <article> element is meant to house a self-contained composition that can logically be independently recreated outside of the page without losing it’s meaining. Individual blog posts or news stories are good examples.

The <section> element is a flexible container for holding content that shares a common informational theme or purpose.

The <footer> element is used to hold information that should appear at the end of a section of content and contain additional information about the section. Author’s name, copyright information, and related links are typical examples of such content.
