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in C Plus Plus by

How does Armadillo handle exceptions and errors during matrix and vector operations, and how can you customize its behavior in this regard?

1 Answer

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Armadillo uses C++ exception handling for errors during matrix and vector operations. It throws instances of the ‘std::logic_error’ class, which can be caught using try-catch blocks. To customize its behavior, define ARMA_NO_DEBUG before including the Armadillo header file to disable bounds checking and speed up operations. Alternatively, use ARMA_EXTRA_DEBUG to enable additional checks.

For custom error handling, create a user-defined function with the signature ‘void arma_stop(const std::string&)’. This function will be called instead of throwing exceptions when an error occurs. Ensure that ARMA_USER_DEFINED_ERROR_HANDLING is defined before including the Armadillo header file.
