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How do you troubleshoot performance issues in Azure Table Storage, and what tools can be used to diagnose and resolve these issues?

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To troubleshoot performance issues in Azure Table Storage, follow these steps:

1. Identify bottlenecks: Check for high latency or low throughput using metrics like Average Server Latency and Throttling Errors.
2. Analyze partitioning: Ensure proper partition key design to avoid hotspots and distribute load evenly across partitions.
3. Optimize queries: Use point queries instead of range queries when possible, and minimize the use of filters.
4. Utilize tools: Azure Monitor provides insights into storage performance, while Application Insights can track custom telemetry data.
5. Implement caching: Reduce read operations by implementing a cache layer with services like Azure Redis Cache.
6. Scale out: Increase capacity by adding more storage accounts or using premium tier options.

Tools for diagnosing and resolving issues include:
– Azure Portal: Provides access to metrics, logs, and alerts.
– Azure Storage Explorer: Offers an interface to manage and monitor storage resources.
– REST API/SDKs: Enable programmatic access to storage diagnostics and management features.
