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in JavaScript by
What are various operators supported by javascript?

1 Answer

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An operator is capable of manipulating(mathematical and logical computations) a certain value or operand. There are various operators supported by JavaScript as below,

  1. Arithmetic Operators: Includes + (Addition),– (Subtraction), * (Multiplication), / (Division), % (Modulus), + + (Increment) and – – (Decrement)
  2. Comparison Operators: Includes = =(Equal),!= (Not Equal), ===(Equal with type), > (Greater than),> = (Greater than or Equal to),< (Less than),<= (Less than or Equal to)
  3. Logical Operators: Includes &&(Logical AND),||(Logical OR),!(Logical NOT)
  4. Assignment Operators: Includes = (Assignment Operator), += (Add and Assignment Operator), – = (Subtract and Assignment Operator), *= (Multiply and Assignment), /= (Divide and Assignment), %= (Modules and Assignment)
  5. Ternary Operators: It includes conditional(: ?) Operator
  6. typeof Operator: It uses to find type of variable. The syntax looks like typeof variable