It describes the basic characteristics of the application and defines each of its components.
This contains the .java source files and .kt(source code written in Kotlin) source files of your project. By default, it includes a or MainActivity.kt source file.
You create all the activities which have .java and .kt extensions under this file and also it includes all the code behind the application.
It is used to store the values for the resources that are used in various Android projects to include features of color, styles, dimensions, etc.
It is a directory for files like styles.xml, strings.xml, colors.xml, dimens.xml, etc.
This is an auto-generated file that consists of compileSdkVersion, buildToolsVersion, minSdkVersion, targetSdkVersion, applicationId, versionCode, and versionName. For example, build.gradle is a script file placed in the root project directory, defines build configurations that will be applied to all modules in your project.