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in Android Library by
Describe the process of handling network requests in Android applications, including the use of RESTful APIs and JSON data.

1 Answer

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To handle network requests in Android applications, developers typically use RESTful APIs and JSON data. The process involves the following steps:

1. Choose a networking library like Retrofit or Volley to simplify API calls and manage background tasks.

2. Create an interface defining the endpoints of the RESTful API with appropriate HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) and parameters.

3. Implement a client class that initializes the chosen networking library and sets up the base URL for API calls.

4. Use Gson or Moshi converter to parse JSON data into Java objects (POJOs) representing the API response structure.

5. In the application’s ViewModel or Presenter, call the API using the client class and handle success/error responses accordingly.

6. Update the UI based on the received data by observing LiveData or using callbacks.

Remember to add necessary permissions (e.g., INTERNET) in the AndroidManifest.xml file and consider handling edge cases such as no internet connection or slow networks.
