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Can you discuss the usage of Fragments in Android applications and explain the concept of the Fragment lifecycle?

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Fragments are modular UI components in Android applications, enhancing reusability and adaptability for different screen sizes. They exist within activities and have their own lifecycle, which is closely tied to the host activity’s lifecycle.

The Fragment lifecycle consists of various states and corresponding callback methods:

1. onAttach(): Fragment gets associated with an activity.

2. onCreate(): Initialize non-UI components, such as data sources or network connections.

3. onCreateView(): Inflate the fragment’s layout and set up UI elements.

4. onActivityCreated(): Activity’s onCreate() completed; can access its views.

5. onStart(): Fragment becomes visible; prepare for user interaction.

6. onResume(): Fragment gains focus and starts receiving user input.

7. onPause(): Fragment loses focus; save changes and release resources.

8. onStop(): Fragment no longer visible; further cleanup.

9. onDestroyView(): Remove view hierarchy and release UI-related resources.

10. onDestroy(): Clean up remaining resources and detach from the activity.

11. onDetach(): Fragment fully detached from the activity.

Understanding the Fragment lifecycle helps developers manage resources efficiently, handle configuration changes, and ensure smooth transitions between states.
