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in Apache Drill by
How do you integrate Apache Drill with various security mechanisms such as Kerberos, SSL, and Apache Sentry?

1 Answer

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To integrate Apache Drill with security mechanisms like Kerberos, SSL, and Apache Sentry, follow these steps:

1. Kerberos: Enable Kerberos authentication by configuring drill-override.conf with the required properties (e.g., drill.exec.security.auth.mechanisms, drill.exec.security.user.client.encryption.sasl.enabled). Create a keytab file for the Drill service principal and update JAAS configuration.

2. SSL: Configure SSL/TLS encryption for client-server communication by generating or obtaining an SSL certificate, updating drill-override.conf with SSL properties (e.g., drill.exec.ssl.protocol, drill.exec.rpc.user.server.truststore.location), and setting up truststores/keystores on both server and client sides.

3. Apache Sentry: Integrate Drill with Sentry for authorization by installing and configuring Sentry, creating appropriate roles and privileges, and modifying drill-override.conf to include sentry-site.xml in the classpath. Additionally, enable impersonation in Drill if needed.

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