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Explain Github Workflow?

1 Answer

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Git provides three key areas that are uniquely designed, to give developers lots of control over workflow:

  • A working directory, which contains all the current states of files. Numerous developers can access the directory when they are logged in, so collaboration is extremely easy.
  • Staging area, which indexes everything for the next commit, and any files that have been added or edited since the previous save.
  • Git repository is a dedicated space where new commits are added. A Git repository maintains all the metadata, the files, and a dedicated database that tracks versions of the project.

With proper importance given to speed, data integrity, and excellent support for distributed, non-linear workflows, GitHub provides excellent standards for remote digital teams. In addition, Git is convenient for working offline or without a VPN (a virtual private network), making it easy for the developers to work on the move and stay productive at will. For small & medium enterprises that are involved in building sites rapidly and prototypes for their customers, GitHub is the most efficient, safe, and seamless way to get projects reviewed, approved, and signed off or on. GitHub provides the most cost-effective module in any business.
