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    What are three backend engines Keras?

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    Keras consist of three backend engines, which are as follows:

    • TensorFlow
      TensorFlow is a Google product, which is one of the most famous deep learning tools widely used in the research area of machine learning and deep neural network. It came into the market on 9th November 2015 under the Apache License 2.0. It is built in such a way that it can easily run on multiple CPUs and GPUs as well as on mobile operating systems. It consists of various wrappers in distinct languages such as Java, C++, or Python.
      Keras Tutorial
    • Theano
      Theano was developed at the University of Montreal, Quebec, Canada, by the MILA group. It is an open-source python library that is widely used for performing mathematical operations on multi-dimensional arrays by incorporating scipy and numpy. It utilizes GPUs for faster computation and efficiently computes the gradients by building symbolic graphs automatically. It has come out to be very suitable for unstable expressions, as it first observes them numerically and then computes them with more stable algorithms.
      Keras Tutorial
    • CNTK
      Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit is deep learning's open-source framework. It consists of all the basic building blocks, which are required to form a neural network. The models are trained using C++ or Python, but it incorporates C# or Java to load the model for making predictions.
      Keras Tutorial