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What are pipes in Angular explain with an example?

1 Answer

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Pipes are functions that simplify the process of wiring up your JavaScript expressions and transforming them into their desired output. They can be compared to, say, string functions in other programming languages. Pipes also allow you to combine multiple expressions together, whether they're all values or some values and some declarations.

For example:

var css = myTheme.color | "red" ;

This line would assign a value to css , and it's equivalent to writing out the following code:

Pipes have several built-in functions that allow you to transform data, such as value and extract. We can also create our own custom pipes.

Pipes are data transformers that execute on an Angular Component's output. They take in data and return transformed data. For example, if you have an expression such as number | 1000, the number pipe will take data from the output and transform it into 1000. In Angular, there are many built-in pipes that you can use. You can also create your own custom pipes by implementing the PipeTransform interface in a class.

Pipes receive an input which can be a value expression, a function returning an expression, or even a component property., that outputs a number with a value of 1,000. With a pipe, you can transform this output into a formatted string of "1,000" or "1.000".


import { Component } from '@angular/core';

selector: 'app-root',
template: `{{ title | uppercase}}`,
styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent {
title = 'this is an example of custom pies in angular';
