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How can we pass the Passing secrets to nested workflows in Github actions?

1 Answer

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You can use jobs.<job_id>.secrets in a calling workflow to pass named secrets to a directly called workflow. Alternatively, you can use jobs.<job_id>.secrets.inherit to pass all of the calling workflow's secrets to a directly called workflow. Secrets are only passed to directly called workflow, so in the workflow chain A > B > C, workflow C will only receive secrets from A if they have been passed from A to B, and then from B to C.

In the following example, workflow A passes all of its secrets to workflow B, by using the inherit keyword, but workflow B only passes one secret to workflow C. Any of the other secrets passed to workflow B are not available to workflow C.

    uses: octo-org/example-repo/.github/workflows/B.yml@main
    secrets: inherit # pass all secrets
    uses: different-org/example-repo/.github/workflows/C.yml@main
      envPAT: ${{ secrets.envPAT }} # pass just this secret