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How to Calling a reusable workflow in github?

1 Answer

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You call a reusable workflow by using the uses keyword. Unlike when you are using actions within a workflow, you call reusable workflows directly within a job, and not from within job steps.


You reference reusable workflow files using one of the following syntaxes:

  • {owner}/{repo}/.github/workflows/{filename}@{ref} for reusable workflows in public and private repositories.
  • ./.github/workflows/{filename} for reusable workflows in the same repository.

In the first option, {ref} can be a SHA, a release tag, or a branch name. If a release tag and a branch have the same name, the release tag takes precedence over the branch name. Using the commit SHA is the safest option for stability and security. 

If you use the second syntax option (without {owner}/{repo} and @{ref}) the called workflow is from the same commit as the caller workflow. Ref prefixes such as refs/heads and refs/tags are not allowed.

You can call multiple workflows, referencing each in a separate job.

    uses: octo-org/this-repo/.github/workflows/workflow-1.yml@172239021f7ba04fe7327647b213799853a9eb89
    uses: ./.github/workflows/workflow-2.yml
    uses: octo-org/another-repo/.github/workflows/workflow.yml@v1