ust put the rounds (which is the salt length to generate, i.e. the function where I am hashing the plain-text password )
bcrypt.hashSync(plainTextPassword, 10)
So the number 10 is the rounds in the above online tool
After hashing a plaintext password, for checking I will just put the hashed password from the mongo database - i.e. after running terminal command something like db.users.find()
which will give all the users saved in the mongo database.
So an example is this hashed password - $2a$10$m0mq4PYOOvm74Gukml4FN.T0Ntobhzi42T6b5v1WIsJ5aZkVzJz3a
And then put the round as 10 and I will get 123
which was my plaintext password in this case.