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When Node.js should not be used?

2 Answers

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  • When have lot of synchronous code that needs to be run. Applications which require number crunching or data analysis should not use Node.js. For Ex. Matrix Multiplication, Summation, Aggregation of large datasets. In such cases, applications which allow Multi Threading out of the box like Python, Java should be used.

  • CPU-heavy jobs - Node.js is based on an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model, and uses only a single CPU core. CPU-heavy operations will just block incoming requests, rendering the biggest advantage of Node.js useless.

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Node.js can be used for the spread of applications. However, it's one rib framework. Therefore we shouldn’t be using it for cases wherever the appliance needs a long interval. In case the server is performing some calculation, at that time it won't be allowed to method the other requests. So, Node.js is the best option once when there is a process that wants less dedicated C.P.U. Time.