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in Design Patterns by
What is a Command pattern?

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The command pattern is a type of behavioural design pattern that transforms a request into a stand-alone object containing all the details about the request. This pattern is a data-driven pattern because we make use of the information about the request by wrapping it as an object and is passed to the invoker object as a command. The invoker object checks for the object that can handle the command and passes it to that object to execute the command. The following diagram is the UML diagram that represents the command design pattern.

We have a client that calls the invoker to run a command. We have a Command interface that acts as an abstraction to the underlying concrete classes. Let us understand this with the help of an example of remote control that has only one button. Using this button, we will be controlling the behaviour of two objects tubelight and a radio. The command to control the objects will be implemented using the command design pattern.

Create Command interface:

   // Command Interface

   interface Command


       public void execute();


Create Tubelight class and its command classes that extend the above interface to control the tubelight.

   // Tubelight class

   class TubeLight


       public void lightOn(){

           System.out.println("TubeLight on...");


       public void lightOff(){

           System.out.println("TubeLight off...");



   // Command class to turn on the tubelight

   class TubeLightOnCommand implements Command


       TubeLight tubeLight;

       // The constructor is passed the light it

       // is going to control.

       public TubeLightOnCommand(TubeLight tubeLight){

         this.tubeLight = tubeLight;


       public void execute(){




   // Command class to turn off the tubelight

   class TubeLightOffCommand implements Command


       TubeLight tubeLight;

       public TubeLightOffCommand(TubeLight tubeLight) {

           this.tubeLight = tubeLight;


       public void execute() {




Create a Radio class and its command classes that extend the above interface to control the radio.

   // Radio class

   class Radio


       public void radioOn()


           System.out.println("Radio on ...");


       public void radioOff()


           System.out.println("Radio off...");


       public void setVolume(int volumeLevel)


         // code to set the volume

         System.out.println("Radio volume set to " + volumeLevel);



   // Command class to turn on the radio

   class RadioOnCommand implements Command


       Radio radio;

       public RadioOnCommand(Radio radio)


           this.radio = radio;


       public void execute()





   // Command class to set the volume of the radio

   class RadioVolumeCommand implements Command


       Radio radio;

       int volumeLevel;

       public RadioVolumeCommand(Radio radio, int volumeLevel)


           this.radio = radio;



       public void execute()





Create a remote control class that has only one button and on click of the button, execute the command functionality:

   // remote control with one button

   class RemoteControl{

       Command button; // only one button

       public RemoteControl(){}

       public void setCommand(Command command){

           // set the command the remote will

           // execute

           button = command;


       public void pressButton(){

         // execute the command on click (call) of the button




Create a Driver class to implement the pattern. Here we will be first turning on the tubelight on the first click of the button, on next click, we will be turning on the radio, then we will be setting the volume of the radio to 4 and then we will be turning off the tubelight.

   // Driver class

   public class Driver


       public static void main(String[] args)


               RemoteControl remote = new RemoteControl();

               TubeLight tubeLight = new TubeLight();

               Radio radio = new Radio();

               // Turn on Tubelight

               remote.setCommand(new TubeLightOnCommand(tubeLight));


               //Turn on Radio

               remote.setCommand(new RadioOnCommand(radio));


               //Turn off Radio

               remote.setCommand(new RadioVolumeCommand(radio,4));


               // Turn off Tubelight

               remote.setCommand(new TubeLightOffCommand(tubeLight));




Validate the result of this pattern to see if it’s working fine. The result of this code would be:

   TubeLight on...

   Radio on ...

   Radio volume set to 4

   TubeLight off...